Posts in family
Your 6-Point Plan to ROCK VOICE OVER and LIFE in 2024

You have a choice. You can decide right now that you're going to keep doing what you've been doing and keep getting what you've been getting.

Or, you can decide right now that you're done with excuses, done with kidding yourself, and done with half-assing your career and your life.

I said in last week's episode, there are two kinds of people in the world: those that make excuses and those that make it happen. And the fact of the matter is, you can't make it happen without a plan.

Decide. Right now. You're either going to rock the coming year or it's going to rock you.

You already know without me even having to ask you if you executed in the past year or not. If you kept the promises you made to yourself or not. If you were consistent or not.

Now, doing the same things next year as you did this year only makes sense if you made significant progress this year. If you didn't make significant progress this year and you've decided you're done making excuses and you're ready to make it happen, then listen up.

Today, I'm going to give you a six-point plan for killing in the coming year.

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Is Voice Over Rigged? What the VO Business SHOULD Be

Today I want to talk straight from the heart, and I'll start by saying that I am head over heels madly in love with this business we call voiceover. It's given me gifts I can never begin to repay. A sense of accomplishment, fulfillment, freedom over my life. Creative freedom, flexibility in my life, money, deep, rich friendships, you name it. Voice over has given it to me and probably more things than I could ever really list if I sat down to list it all out. I love this business more than anything I've ever done professionally. And second isn't even close.

That said, this business is not perfect. It has things that need fixing.

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My Wishes for You This Holiday Season

Entrepreneurship and freelancing have stretched me and forced me to grow in ways I never imagined and often scared the hell out of me, both for which I am eternally grateful. I’ve learned so much about myself that in the almost 50 years before becoming a full-time voice actor I never knew.

As we turn to the new year, I have some things I wish for you. Where appropriate, I’ve listed a book that helped teach me that lesson.

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Habits, The Iron Man, and the 80% Rule

The Pareto Principle says that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. Other names for this principle are the 80/20 rule and the law of the vital few. For me, prospecting is one of the vital few. In fact, I’d say in my case prospecting has more of a 90/10 effect. It’s 10% of my time that leads to 90% of my success.

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