Posts in messaging
Voice Actors’ Top 5 Biggest Social Media Mistakes

If you're like most voice actors, you feel an immense amount of pressure to post on social media, hoping to use that as a business development strategy, which takes a ton of time and effort and sweat and stress.

You’ve got to plan it, conceive it, design it, produce it, and schedule it. Oh my God. No wonder you're stressed out.

But here's the thing. You're probably going to all this trouble for virtually nothing in return in terms of revenue produced from all that time and sweat and stress and everything else.

The fact is, every voice actor I know is all over social media, and most voice actors still struggle to grow their business. So, what gives?

I'll tell you what gives: content marketing on social media sucks as a business development strategy for voice actors.

And today we're going to talk about why that is, why you're wasting so much time, what social media is good for, and how to properly use it to your advantage.

So, here are the top five biggest social media mistakes voice actors make.

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Are You Serving SPAM? Demystifying Email Deliverability

One of the biggest objections I hear from voice actors is I don’t want to be spammy in my email marketing. And I get what people are saying here, and they’re right. They don’t want to be perceived as sending irrelevant, salesy, sleazy messages to poorly targeted, or not targeted at all, people.

In other words, if they reach out to prospects, they want that to be a quality engagement and I 110% support that philosophy.

BUT there’s another kind of spam. And it’s this second kind that you may be sending and not even know it. It’s unintentional spam. It’s messaging that you’ve taken the time to craft, taken the time to target your prospects, taken the time to try to do all the things right, and yet it’s not even making it to your prospect’s inbox, because the ESPs, the email service providers are marking it as spam and culling it from the system before you’ve ever had the chance to say Hello.

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Overcome Common Objections and BOOK the Gig

As a voice actor, as really any freelance creative writer, developer, designer, you name it, your ability to attract and retain clients is going to be key to your success. And as a freelancer, you're going to run into some pretty common customer objections. And those customer objections can get in the way of or at worst, completely derail closing deals and booking gigs.

And when I say common objections, I'm not kidding. They happen all the time.

Today I'm going to help you do just that. We're going to explore some common customer objections. And I'm going to give you some strategies to overcome them so you can close more deals and book more gigs.

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Quoting All-Media Buyouts in Voice-Over

A fellow voice actor recently reached out to me on LinkedIn:

Hey Paul!

I was wondering if you had a quick minute to help me price a VO project. I'm not great at pricing things, tbh, and I don't know what to do with the GVAA rate guide when it comes to multiple usages. I could really use your guidance!

It's a [foreign] production company that's doing a [category] campaign. They want a :90 script with multiple cut downs, a :20 script, 5 years, worldwide, all media.

I'd love your thoughts on this!

Let’s discuss the All-Media Buyout.

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